Logo of Digital Access for All.

Bridging the Digital Divide:
Digital Access & Literacy Program


Thank you for your interest in the Digital Access For All program. Main CIL understands the connection to community and independence that a Chromebook can offer people with disabilities and older adults in an increasing virtual world. Funding for this program expired in 2023. We are seeking new support and will notify the community when funds become available again.

What Digital Access for All is About:

We all need reliable, affordable access to the internet for basic life functions these days. Due to a lack of economic resources, some struggle to adapt to the increasing need to connect with others virtually for health visits, work, school, socializing, and shopping. Our digital access program is here to "bridge digital divide" to assist you to become better connected to the virtual world.

Digital Access for All expands access to computers and devices, the internet and online skills training for people with disabilities and seniors, including their family members and caregivers in order to promote independence and self-sufficiency.

Illustration graphic of senior woman happily using a laptop at a table.

What We're Going to Achieve:

Icon of a laptop computer.

Distribute 130 Chromebooks to eligible community members.

Icon of a classroom with students.

Provide computer & internet skills training to 50 individuals.

Icon representing networked computers.

Create a digital community in Marin that is accessible for all.

Illustration graphic of senior woman happily using a laptop in her chair with a cat napping nearby.

Who's Eligible for Services:

For you or someone in your house receive Digital Access for All services, applicants must meet both of these two criteria to eligible:


Be Marin County resident with a disabilities OR over the age of 60

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Have an income within 300% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL)*

* $43,740 for a household of one or $59,160 for a household of two.